

Lumière ( - art house cinema - tickets €8 unless you're eligible for a discount

Minerva Cinemas (http://www.minervagroep.n...) Multiplex


In the Netherlands, the policy regarding soft drugs such as weed, hash and magic mushrooms is lenient. Therefore, there are several coffee- and headshops where you can buy these products. It is tolerated to buy up to 5 grams of marijuana. Make sure you bring your identification card or drivers license with you, because the shops are very strict about age and they will check it no matter how old you look. You have to be at least 18 years old to enter a coffee- or headshop. As of May 1st, 2012, only those with a Dutch passport and clubpass are being allowed entry. (

The coffeeshops in Maastricht have a lot 2.2 million annually! of foreign customers, so they are able to understand Dutch, English, French and German. The Mississippi boat is the most popular with coffeeshop visitors from abroad. It is a coffee shop built in a large boat which lays in the Maas river and is certainly worth visiting. However it is regarded as having overpriced products and lower quality by locals and connoisseurs. Recommended are; Black Widow, a small coffeeshop located outside of the city center but having reasonable prices and good quality, Easy Going for its centrality and Heaven 69 for the open roof diner. Club 69, just around the corner of the Cool Running, is the oldest, smallest but most laid back one in town. For tourists other than Dutch, German or Belgian, there is a coffeeshop at Koestraat near the Beluga restaurant that is outside of the "union" and will serve you.


In Autumn 2007 a collective made an English Map of Maastricht, the Ekoplan, listing as much fair trade, organic dutch: 'eko', second hand and vegetarian initiatives in Maastricht they could find. The map is distributed on strategic spots in town eg. Stayokay hostel, and available on-line (http://www.studver.unimaa...)


Visit the Uitbalie (http://www.uitbaliemaastr...) in the Theater on the Vrijthof for last minute tickets to almost any cultural event. Pick up a Week in/Week uit with its weekly English agenda published by MaastrichtNet (http://www.maastrichtnet....), or see what students are upto on

Find out more about life in Maastricht through Crossroads (, a webzine for expatriates in Maastricht published by the European Journalism Centre (